
Brand / Pharmanutra / Blefarene Baby
Blefarene Baby

Blefarene Baby is a soft, disposable cotton wipe, specific for the care and hygiene of eyelids and eyelashes.

Every day, many factors, including atmospheric and environmental agents as well as recreational and sports activities, can cause significant strain on the eyes and the periocular region. The combined action of Chamomile, Cornflower and Zanthalene, offers relief for styes, itching, swelling and allergies.
Furthermore, the dermo-protective effect of added Vitamin E makes Blefarene Baby wipes the most suitable product for daily cleansing of the periocular area of children and infants.

Every pack of Blefarene Baby contains 30 disposable cotton wipes.

The components of Blefarene Baby wipes ensure a moisturising and detergent action for eyelids and lashes, which make them ideal for thorough daily cleansing of the delicate periocular area.

Blefarene Baby have a soothing action, making them useful in the event of reddened eyelids.

  • The chamomile and cornflower extracts and Vitamin E offer a cleansing, emollient and antioxidant action on the periocular area;
  • The zanthalene extract relieves itching in the case of allergic conjunctivitis and blepharitis;
  • The soothing action of chamomile and cornflower helps to reduce reddening on the eyelid;
  • 100% cotton, suited for cleansing delicate and sensitive skin:
  • No preservatives;
  • No chlorhexidine.

Daily eye cleansing: clean your hands thoroughly, then open the sachet and remove the wipe. Fully unfold the wipe and delicately wipe the edge of the eyelid and eyelashes with the eye closed.

Warm-damp compresses with a soothing effect:

In the event of stubborn secretions to be removed on the edge of the eyelid (conjunctiva, eyelids, periocular area) or blocked tear ducts use the wipe as a warm, damp compress on the affected area.

  1. Warm the sachet, immersing it without opening in warm water (40°C) for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Open the sachet, remove the wipe and fold it, then apply to the eyes.
  3. Delicately massage the periocular area for 1-2 minutes, keeping the eye closed.

Once heated, the wipe must be used within a few minutes, otherwise it must be thrown away.

Cold compresses to reduce itching and congestion:

In the event of itchy or swollen eyelids, use the wipe as a cold compress on the affected area to obtain a decongesting effect.

  1. Chill the sachet in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
  2. Open the sachet and apply the folded wipe to the eye for 1-2 minutes.
  3. Keep the eye closed during application.

Wash the hands thoroughly before use.

Store in a cool, dry place (max. 25°) away from dust.

Suspend use in the event of evident irritation or hypersensitivity to the product. Do not use in the case of known incompatibility with any components of the product.

Strictly follow the instructions given by the ophthalmologist, do not use the same wipe for both eyes in the event of infections.