
Brand / Pharmanutra / Race Carb – Cetilar®Nutrition
Race Carb – Cetilar®Nutrition
Senza glutine Naturalmente privo di lattosioNaturally lactose free Doping free

Race Carb Cetilar® Nutrition is a powdered carbohydrate supplement to be dissolved in water, with a ratio of maltodextrin and fructose 1:0.8.
The package contains 10 envelopes of 80 g each.

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The perfectly balanced ratio of maltodextrin to fructose (1:0,8) allows optimal absorption of carbohydrates and ensures adequate energy release during sports activities without weighing it down.

Dissolve the contents of the sachet in 650ml of water and drink about 200ml every 20 minutes from 1 hour before training or during sports activity.
Race Carb can be used in combination with Hydrate Fast to obtain an energy and rehydrating sports drink.