29 April 2020 | Corporate, News
Four new distribution agreements in EU, Asia and Latin America

Despite the COVID-19 emergency, the PharmaNutra Group is still strengthening its international presence through new trade agreements signed in Romania, Hungary, South Korea and Mexico.
PharmaNutra announces that it has signed four new agreements to distribute its products abroad.
The first agreement is to distribute Cetilar® brand products in Romania and was signed with Sc Solacium, a Zentiva group company, partner of PharmaNutra since 2016 to market SiderAL® (iron based Sucrosomial® supplement) for the markets in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Thus, expanding a close, profitable collaboration which, after the success obtained with SiderAL® products, will take first Cetilar® Crema and, by the end of the year, Cetilar® Patch to Romania.
The second agreement was finalised with Fresenius Kabi to distribute SiderAL® Forte in Hungary. Enabling PharmaNutra to complete its presence in Central Europe.
“A very important agreement, consolidating relations with a top-level pharmaceutical multinational with whom we are already working in Austria and Switzerland”, declared the Managing Director of PharmaNutra S.p.A., Carlo Volpi. “Confirming a trade partnership based on a strong common purpose and vision. With Fresenius Kabi we are working to expand our collaboration in other important Countries”.
South Korea and Mexico are the two Countries where we have signed the last two agreements outside Europe: in both cases for SiderAL® products. The agreement for South Korea was stipulated by Junia Pharma – a Group company specialised in developing medicinal products and nutritional supplements for the paediatric sector – with Green Store, already a SiderAL® Forte distributor for PharmaNutra S.p.A. The product in this new agreement is SiderAL® Active, an innovative, new Sucrosomial® iron-based formula.
The same situation occurred in Mexico where Casa Marzam S.A., leader in the Mexican pharmaceutical distribution sector and already a distributor for SiderAL® Folic and SiderAL® Forte, has signed the agreement with Junia Pharma. By the end of the year, SiderAL® Oro and SiderAL® Gocce, nutritional supplements for children and adolescents, will complete the offer in the Central American country.
“The distribution agreements in South Korea and Mexico are especially important. Not just because they are large markets where we are consolidating our position, but because we finalised these agreements at a complicated moment, after the COVID-19 emergency had started to circulate”, continued Volpi. “In these months, the Group companies have never stopped working and finalising agreements like this, at such a difficult time, is a great satisfaction that we want to share with our employees and collaborators”.