PharmaNutra signs new international agreements for Cetilar®

The PharmaNutra patent continues to gain recognition in foreign markets. The latest agreements are with Turkey, Romania and Taiwan.
PharmaNutra S.p.A. communicates that two new agreements have been sealed for the foreign distribution of Cetilar® products, the rapidly absorbed cream ideal for reducing painful post-trauma symptoms in muscles and joints.
The first agreement was sealed with the Turkish company Bio Gen Ilac on a basis outlined last october during the CPHI of Madrid, the most important international pharmaceutical trade fair where PharmaNutra was present as exhibitor. The agreement regards the distribution of Cetilar® in Turkey and in Romania, two markets where the Tuscan company belonging to the brothers Andrea and Roberto Lacorte is already present with their innovative Sucrosomiale® Iron (line of products from the Sideral® brand). The business concluded with Bio Gen Ilac, the Turkish Ankara based company founded in 2000, is a contract of strategic importance for Cetilar®, a unique and patented product, thanks to which PharmaNutra has a powerful presence in the sports world even in terms of sponsorship.
The second was signed with the Taiwanese biotech multinational TTY Biopharm Company Limited for the distribution of Cetilar® in Taiwan. The new partnership is the natural consequence of the consolidated relationship with American Taiwan Biopharm Co. Ltd, company affiliated with the TTY Biopharm Limited, which has the exclusive rights to market the line of Cetylated Ester-based products in Thailand.
Andrea Lacorte, President of PharmaNutra, states: “The line of Cetilar® products continues its constant growth and expansion into new markets, a sure and tangible sign of the scientific validity of our patent and the extraordinary effectiveness of the product. We are undergoing a process of expansion that month after month continues to give us satisfaction in markets that are often difficult to enter”.
These new agreements further reinforce the international presence of the Cetilar® brand and follow the recently signed agreements for its distribution in Israel, Thailand, Austria, Sweden and Norway.