16 July 2018 | Corporate, News
New developments in the SiderAL range on the Vietnamese market

One year after the agreement for the SiderAL® product line distribution on the Vietnamese market, Dr. Roberta Romani and Dr. Germano Tarantino, respectively Export Manager for non-European markets and Scientific Director of the PharmaNutra SPA Group, went back to Vietnam to complete the final training phase for the local partner Ha Minh sales network and to discuss future market developments.
On this occasion, the representatives of PharmaNutra SPA had the pleasure to meet Prof. Nguyen Thi Xuan Thu, President of Red Cross Vietnam, during a meeting requested directly by the Red Cross to deepen the knowledge of the innovative Sucrosomial Technology®, the exclusive patent developed by the Group at the base of the iron supplements of the SiderAL® line.
The meeting was an important and significant moment, especially considering that in many Eastern countries, including Vietnam, iron deficiency is a particularly widespread problem, especially in the gynaecological and paediatric fields.
“To be able to check that Sucrosomial® Iron can really make the difference in certain situations and that our Vietnamese partners are proud to promote the PharmaNutra products innovation, despite the competition on the market of many foreign multinational compamies, is really a reason for great satisfaction”, stated Roberta Romani, who also underlined how, on the occasion of this Vietnamese visit, new commercial agreements were also discussed with the partner Ha Mihn for the expansion of the SiderAL® range, thanks to the forthcoming market introduction of SiderAL® Forte, besides the already well known and appreciated SiderAL® Folico.
Another step towards the conquest of important market shares, thanks to the futuristic Sucrosomiale® Technology, recently (and with extraordinary success) also applied to magnesium with the launch of the new Ultramag.