07 December 2018 | Corporate, News
PharmaNutra joins Farmindustria

PharmaNutra S.p.A is pleased to announce it has joined Farmindustria, the Association of Pharmaceutical Companies belonging to Confindustria and made up of some 200 companies operating in Italy, which has always been committed to research and innovation. The Council of Farmaindustria has unanimously accepted the application for membership presented by the company.
With 65,400 highly qualified workers, about half of whom are women and many of whom are very young, pharmaceutical companies in Italy head the list in the European Union. Farmindustria is committed to effectively illustrating what these companies do, representing them in their dealings with all components of society and informing the public and stakeholders of their value.
By joining the Association, PharmaNutra becomes increasingly established among the élite of Italian companies that invest in research and development, create employment, divulge a scientific and industrial culture and are characterised by a strong propensity for internationalisation.
Andrea Lacorte, President of PharmaNutra, said: «We are pleased that Farmindustria has accepted our application to join, thus acknowledging the value of the scientific research PharmaNutra has been conducting for years and continues to support and strengthen. Pharmaceutical companies are of both economic and scientific value for Italy, which must be recognised and safeguarded by associations such as Farmindustria. For our part, we will continue to innovate in order to introduce new solutions able to improve people’s lives, and to collaborate on international research projects with the world of academia consistent with our corporate philosophy».