25 May 2020 | Corporate, Events, News
PharmaNutra takes part int the Aim Italia Conference 2020

Great investor interest in the Company’s strategies during the virtual edition of the conference organised today by the Italian Stock Exchange.
PharmaNutra was among the protagonists of the “Aim Italia Conference 2020” organised today by the Italian Stock Exchange. The event, now in its third edition, took place in an unusual virtual version, enabling Companies to meet with institutional investors digitally, one-toone or in small groups. The AIM Italia Conference stage has always offered analysts and Italian and international investors a privileged viewpoint on the future prospects of the dynamic, competitive SMEs listed on the AIM Italia market.
PharmaNutra, connected with the President Andrea Lacorte, the Vice-president Roberto Lacorte, the COO Carlo Volpi and the CFO Francesco Sarti, talked to numerous investors, also international, illustrating the brilliant results achieved, which have favoured and accompanied the Group’s international growth strategy. The economic growth of PharmaNutra is, in fact, directly connected to the commercial growth at global level, thanks to consistent investments in the research and development of new formulas, and continually growing sales figures. Despite the Covid-19 emergency, in the last few months the most recent IQVIA market data, formalised by FederSalus, confirm SiderAL® Forte 20 capsules as the product sold most on the Italian market.
The brilliant economic and industrial results of the PharmaNutra Group can also be found in its continuously improving share value: in the last year it has grown +38,81%, to a price of €24.50, for a capitalisation of €237,24 million.*
Roberto Lacorte, Vice president of PharmaNutra, commented: “We wanted to share details of the short and medium term strategy with investors, stressing the competitive advantage the Company has gained over the last few months, maintaining a solid financial structure. This is a fundamental aspect that has given us the operating serenity needed to react to the global Covid-19 pandemic immediately and with no backlashes, allowing us to continue planning company growth strategically”.
*Borsa Italiana closing data of 25th May 2020