16 November 2018 | Events, News
Vitamina Sailing Team: the intense season of the team led by Andrea Lacorte comes to an end

Last Sunday the Melges 40 Grand Prix of Lanzarote (Canary Islands) came to an end, it was the last event of the 2018 Vitamina Sailing Team, which had an intense sailing season, divided between the M32 and Melges 40 classes.
The Vitamina Sailing Team, led by Andrea Lacorte (President of Pharmanutra SpA), concluded the Lanzarote appointment in third position, behind the Japanese boat Sikon and the Italian Stig owned by Rombelli, winner of the stage and also of the Melges 40 Grand Prix 2018. A circuit that Vitamina CetilarĀ® itself – helmed by Lacorte alongside the tactician Gabriele Benussi from Trieste- finished in fourth place, on a par with Dynamiq Synergy.
“The Melges 40 season has been a wonderful experience, because despite being a new class that still lives its initial phase, the competitors level is really high and professional, with structured teams and crews formed by real champions,” said Andrea Lacorte. “We are talking about a complex boat, designed for top teams, and at the beginning we paid our lack of experience, having joined the fleet lately. During the season we have been quite busy and the results have arrived with the last two appointments of the year. Sailing in the Canary Islands was beautiful and challenging, because the conditions are quite different from the Mediterranean, a beautiful experience of life and seafaring.”
Vitamin CetilarĀ® will return to the Canary Isalnds from 24 to 27 January, for the Winter Warm Up. It will be followed by a series of training sessions in February and then, from 21 to 24 March, the first round of the Melges 40 Grand Prix 2019, which should have total of five events.
Next year, Vitamina Sailing Team will race still with the colors of the Yacht Club Repubblica Marinara of Pisa and the Port of Pisa and will be involved once again in the European circuit of the M32 catamaran, after the second place overall and the first in the special Corinthian ranking conquered in this season.
“I’m partially satisfied about the M32 season: we did not win the European circuit, because the first ones are real professional sailors and clearly our performance can not be at the same level, but we were the best Corinthians, with the owner at rudder, and it is a result that rewards the commitment of the whole team “, concludes Lacorte.” Sailing with these catamarans remains a great sea experience that gives so much fun and we have also brought our brand SiderALĀ® around Europe. Unfortunately, the class has been managed in an interlocutory way, so that there will be important changes for next year, with a different management and a greater and better promotion among the fans”.