02 February 2018 |

The natural qualities of milk in the Capricare formula

Fourth appointment with our series of articles dedicated to breastfeeding and first focus, to all intents and purposes, on Capricare® 2, the first baby formula based on goats’ milk, made in New Zealand by Dairy Goat Co-operative.

A product that has already been enjoying exceptional success abroad for several years due to its completely natural qualities, as highlighted last week, which make it a valid alternative to breast milk – which remains the best possible food for the newborn,we will never tire of repeating it – when the mother is unable to breastfeed.

But how does infant formula containing goats’ milk differ from the ones containing cows’ milk (i.e. almost all the products currently on the market)? In many ways. And this is precisely the key to the rise of Capricare® 2.

Before going into the scientific details, it should be noted that we are talking about a product made using a method that minimizes industrial processes and that the same production chain in New Zealand, from sheep breeding to packaging, is controlled in every detail.
Goats’ milk is different from cows’ milk and more similar to breast milk, since it is naturally rich in bioactive components (nucleotides and free amino acids) which are very important for the health and development of the baby.
Its lipid composition is richer in medium-chain fatty acids (which means better absorption and digestibility) and with a protein profile that guarantees greater tolerability and a ratio between the different proteins that generates better intestinal comfort (in goats’ milk, casein micelles are smaller and consequently there is a greater surface area exposed to the action of digestive enzymes).

Excellent digestibility and tolerability, therefore, are two scientifically proven qualities of Capricare® 2, as well as the ability to generate greater production in the intestine of a microflora rich in Bifidobacteria and, again in comparison with cows’ milk, a composition that allows adequate growth of the newborn, thanks to the presence of proteins, essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and nucleotides, as well as a lower skin sensitization, very important to reduce the risk of atopic dermatitis.

If we add to this an excellent palatability, the total absence of palm oil and greater compliance, it is clear that Capricare® 2 has been and continues to be a great success worldwide.