Scientific research and technological innovation in the Pharmaceutical sector
Research & Development activities are the beating heart of PharmaNutra. Over 158 clinical trials, basic research and publications have allowed the companies in the Group to acquire technical and scientific know-how of the highest level, recognised by 21 patents, developing 20 raw materials controlled throughout the whole value chain and held exclusively on both the Italian and foreign markets.
A unique value and an essential strategic asset, as well as the foundations on which we continue to work to build a future where scientific progress is at the service of collective well-being, understood as prevention and attention to health.
Our Scientific Reasearch System
All the scientific research and the technologies developed by PharmaNutra over the years are overseen by a well-structured Scientific Direction that launches and supervises new projects, coordinating the activities in the in-house and external laboratories and managing the stringent safety and quality controls on raw materials and finished products.
To guarantee the development of increasingly effective and safe nutraceutical and pharmaceutical products, the PharmaNutra R&D system is based on three essential principles:
The protection of our intellectual property, patents and raw materials is the key to our uniqueness.
Cutting-edge research and clinical trials constantly guide us in the development of new products and solutions.
Flexible interdisciplinary resources drive our development in a constantly changing world.